I need to have an operation for acid reflux. Should I have fundoplication or the LINX ® Magnetic Bead Ring?
Several studies have compared Nissen fundoplication and LINX®:
Several studies have compared Nissen fundoplication and LINX®:
The success of both operations is roughly the same. The control of acid reflux, in terms of patient-satisfaction, improvement in quality of life, and ability to stop PPI medicines is similar.
The main side-effect of both operations is difficulty to swallow. The occurrence and severity of swallowing difficulties seem to be equal.
Gaseous bloating of the abdomen and excessive flatulence are less severe with LINX®. Such ‘gassy’ symptoms can be very troublesome after fundoplication.
Difficulty to belch and vomit seems less with LINX® than with fundoplication.
The fundoplication is a time-tested operation. LINX® is a relatively new procedure.
Initially, LINX® was not recommended if you have a large hiatus hernia, severe inflammation of the gullet, Barrett’s oesophagus, stricture or previous surgery on the stomach or gullet. But, recent studies show that LINX® can work even in such situations.
Ultimately, the choice between fundoplication and LINX® should be matter of careful discussion and shared decision making between you and Mr Sarela.